
She courageously reached out for support.
Honored and humbled, I bowed down with my offering.
She spat at me.
Her wounded soul was not willing to surrender.
Not now; not yet.
I cried oceans of tears for our suffering.
Soon. The sun will rise again.
And the moon will follow.


Today, someone bent my reality with her bare hands and her heart of compassion.
G*d appeared out of nowhere.
Now and before.
Offering freedom from the imprisonment of shame.
And, grief, previously disguised as courage, softened it’s grip.
Today I am embracing the willingness to be who and what I have not been.
Only because I can.

My Life As A Prayer

I have spent most of my life alone, often in deep contemplation.
Today I was reminded that “alone” was really only one letter off from “all one” and that indeed I had never been separate from the One; I had simply forgotten.

The angels are applauding.
I am awake now; I am in Remembrance.
I will continue to live my life as a prayer.
And bow with gratitude and grace.

Bright Light

The bright light, holy by nature, filters through the forest canopy.
Each tree shimmers in it’s divine brilliance, even those burnt by fire long ago.
Each bird sings in gratitude.
The lizards scurry; the deer dance gracefully.
Everything here is truly alive.
There is only well-being as elicited from above.
My heart is full.
I am home.

Not Knowing

“I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going.
And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you’re going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.”
~ C. Joybell


What we don’t talk about …
Today, someone asked me about “shame” and how to embrace it.
Shame is an energetic vibration at the bottom of the human scale of consciousness (David Hawkins MD/PhD). Caress it with love. Nurture it. Like a seed. Gentle attention,
as shame wears the cloak of fear.
When shame feels safety it will blossom into courage and willingness …
I have worked a lot with shame. My own. My clients’. Getting to the core is necessary. Most often an ancestral or familial pattern has been passed down.
Shame does not always belong to the one “holding” it … Intuitively I follow the pattern backwards until I find the root. Tapping is very helpful if used skillfully.
Trust is essential.

Mistaken Grief

Sometimes grief shows up with an unfamiliar face.

When I find myself grieving the loss of aspects of myself that I tossed aside simply because I was not prepared to accept them.
Where are they now? And who am I without them?
My soul remains whole but my persona feels fractured. Broken.
But it is my light that pours forth from these cracks. (Thank you, Leonard Cohen.)

And then there are the aspects of myself tethered in post traumatic stress.
And times when I feel completely misunderstood by others who can not see my light.
So much betrayal and fear consumes my heart.

And so I grieve. Not just the death of loved ones who have passed but I grieve for the lost illusion of myself.
I graciously offer it all to pass in the wind and I allow the momentary storm to subside.

On Light & Discernment

A most relevant teaching for today, this moment, now:

“Light gives information, and darkness withholds information. So, in the times that are coming (now), it will be easy for you to discern who’s who and what’s what as you travel outside the third-dimensional realm. All you need to do is discern whether something is light and you are being given information or whether it is darkness and you are being dis-informed, misinformed, or information is being completely withheld from you.”
~ excerpted from Bringers of the Dawn; Teachings of the Pleiadians


Truth Be Told

I am here to remember the truth of who I am, not to become someone that I am not.



I mourn the passing of the darkness
I rejoice in this mourning and welcome the light of day
The lightening of my heart
The absurdity of it all
I laugh
At last
I spread my wings
And soar