Category: Uncategorized


“Now is where I am.”
Now is the only place to be. In this uniquely divine moment.
Celebrate the possibilities.
And choose what you desire for the next moment of now.


Raw vulnerability.
Naked, flailing, struggling, floundering as I attempt to claim my personal power
and shine.
Seeking support, comfort, compassion, empathy, understanding, peace, freedom,
love and light.
Until I realize that I am all that.
Offering a deep breath of gratitude as I honor my soul’s journey and declare
my truth.


Exploring the depths of the void I discover the abundance of infinite possibility.
There is no emptiness here, only a richness of wonder and the discovery of truth.
I am blessed by the circumstances that forced me into this scrutiny of the soul
and the ultimate surrender of all belief.
Nothing is as it appears.

The Present Moment

“We might ask,’given my present situation, how long should I stay with uncomfortable feelings?’ This is a good question, yet there is no right answer. We simply get accustomed to coming back to the present just as it is for a second, for a minute, for an hour—whatever is currently natural—without its becoming an endurance trial. Just pausing for two to three breaths is a perfect way to stay present. This is a good use of our life. Indeed, it is an excellent, joyful use of our life. Instead of getting better and better at avoiding, we can learn to accept the present moment as if we had invited it, and work with it instead of against it, making it our ally rather than our enemy.”
~ Pema Chodron


Truth or Belief?

What is the difference between what you believe to be true and the actual truth?
Perhaps you can feel it in your body (lighter or heavier) or perhaps a kinesiologist
can give you a clue to what is true for you (also determined by body reflexes)
or you can muscle-test yourself …

But what about Universal truth? Will we ever really know?
Certain “truths” and “laws” have been able to withstand history and supposedly
can not be challenged, but is that true?
Is truth static or is it dynamic? Perhaps that is the real question.
What is true for you?

Entrepreneurial Endurance

I used to think that I was my business, that ‘we’ were one and the same.
However, the distinction is now clear to me. I, the me of my business (, has some other business to attend to at this time.
I am preparing to sell my property and purchase a smaller one and I am also attending to some health-evaluations in order to maintain my natural vibrancy and vitality.
So, I am feeling less accountable to the ‘me’ of my business and the urgencies that present themselves – as well as the mastermind group that I am creating and the clients asking to be served.
However, even though I may appear to be lagging in the race of entrepreneurial endurance, I am simply slowing down to a more realistic pace in order to maintain the mental and physical stamina of ‘me.’
I find this to be absolutely essential as I prepare for a “big leap” both personally and professionally and as my life and business fall together graciously.
How are you practicing self-care ?

Waiting or Being?

When you allow yourself to simply “be” and to treasure the presence of each present moment, there is no waiting.
Waiting can only occur outside of the “now” as a projection into the future which does not exist in the present moment.

Breathe into this present moment and a new one will follow filled with infinite possibility. Flow graciously into being.

One Plus One

As life often seems to be falling apart, I now see each fragment as complete unto itself and an invaluable piece of the greater whole that I am and that we are.
So, maybe one(1) plus one(1) equals one(1) after all …
What do you think?

Be Dazzling!

I absolutely love this quote from Panache Desai:
“Don’t curb your luminosity in order to make others feel comfortable in their mediocrity. Be You! Get your shine on!”

Really. Dazzle yourself, and be dazzling, by shining your authentic light.
It radiates from within you with divine grace.

Spiritual Growth or Soul Evolution?

SPIRITUAL GROWTH is a choice, SOUL EVOLUTION is inevitable.

However, if you choose to consciously explore your spirituality and expand your awareness of Self, Source and the infinite Universe, your soul will thrive exponentially and you will be guided to your chosen destiny.