Listen & Love

If someone is hurting, hurting deeply inside, the last thing they want to hear is “you are not alone.”

Because indeed they are alone in the depths of their suffering.
No one can truly understand another’s pain no matter how similar your experiences
may be.
You can not possibly imagine what their soul is experiencing.
Their pain is theirs alone.
The pain is not who they are, it is not the essence of their being, but it is their pain.

The person hurting really justs wants to be heard; they want to be acknowledged.
Offer them that; offer them your heart, your love.

Be fully present. Be genuine. Tell them what you can and can not do for them.
Hold them in your arms, if appropriate.
Hold them in your heart if there’s room to offer.

Listen and love.
Remind them of the truth of their being.
Remind them of their divine essence.

They may not be ready for more.
They will ask you for more when they are ready.

Be fully present, listen and love.
Listen more and love more.

The Truth

Today, now yesterday for sure, I was certain that I was insane. Mentally ill.
Not with judgment but with fear. Terror. And shame.

I lost it. Whatever it was that I was supposed to have.

I lost my connection to the truth. The truth of who I am. That spark of divine light.

Not even a flicker.

No inhale. Barely a breath.

And, oh yes, I had, and have, been here before.

It sucks.

The feelings of worthlessness and failure. All over again.

Just when I re-wrote my web copy and thought it was finally my time to shine.

LOL. Please. Might as well.

What about that high-end program I am supposed to be creating?
And, what about all those coaching programs trying to clone me into another “wanna be”?

When I forget who I am, all hell breaks loose. My mind goes crazy and my ego batters me.

I can tap forever, and even though that shit works, it’s hard to overcome sixty-some years of battle.

Shame is cruel. Terror is heartless.

I was never enough.
We all (most of us, anyway) know that feeling.

So yes, I’m transparent and I’m authentic, but who wants to hear about my woes?
Never waste your suffering, or so I heard.

I called out for help, and with a true friend’s determination, I realized that just below all this pain lies my courage and my audacity.

Thank you Universe for carrying my request to the appropriate soul.

A part of me died today as I surrendered to the inevitability.

Some days I’m a helpless fool.

Other days I’m a divine creator, a masterful healer and a catalyst for transformation.

Oh, the tasks of being the Vulnerability Queen.
It’s time to clean-up after myself and raise my energetic vibration just a bit.


Permission to Dream

To dream:

1. To wish for something that you have wanted to be, do or have.

2. To have an idea or vision that is created in your imagination.

3. To have a strongly desired goal or purpose.

4. To have a visionary creation of the imagination.

5. To be of, or in, a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality.

Is there an instruction manual for how to dream?

My guess is that the only direction therein would be to unleash your creativity – to breathe into your imagination and let go.

And that could be a beautiful thought or it may be a difficult task if a previous dream died abruptly or prematurely.

In my mind dreaming precedes goal-setting and goal-setting has always perplexed me, even though I understand the importance of having a goal.

Without a goal we are actually agreeing that what we have now, or where we are at in the moment, is where we want to be. No goal is a goal unto itself. No goal is accepting status quo and nothing beyond.

So this is fragile ground for some. For sure, it is for me.

Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

However, first you must believe. You must trust. And ultimately it is you that you must trust and you that you must believe in.

Are you willing? Can you do it alone?

You may need some support. I know I do.

Mr. Disney also said that all of our dreams can indeed come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

And with that said, we also need the courage to ask for support.

Collaboration supports creativity.

Conscious self-empowerment allows the freedom to dream.

Dream on.


Further Beyond Anger

As I celebrated the unraveling of my tattered cloak of anger, I could finally breathe.

But not for long as I suddenly noticed an enormous wall surrounding me and I felt imprisoned. I wondered what this wall represented and if it was real or simply an illusion.

I thought that my current state of conscious awareness was the ultimate healing but certainly there was more to uncover here.

This time there was no one to escape from and nowhere to hide. There was just a wall was keeping me separate from the energetic flow of life itself.

How could I exist within this fortress? Or was the fortress really within me?

The wall was not protecting me as I must have believed at one time. It was isolating me and holding me back from experiencing the true essence of being.

And even though I intuitively knew that I had constructed this wall myself, I had never considered that I may someday want freedom from these confines.

There was no door, no escape that I was aware of, just a huge impenetrable wall surrounding me.

And whichever way I moved, the wall moved with me. I was trapped within my own limited consciousness.

I was filled with fear (another old friend as anger had been) and I found myself face-down on the ground in prayer pose. Answers that had come so easily only days ago seemed to allude me now.

So, I asked my soul.

In return my soul asked me, “What is it that you are resisting? And why?”

And in that moment I realized that I had been resisting life itself.

The wall was a wall of resistance – all that held me back from the freedom to be me.

I had no choice but to embrace myself now. I had to humbly bow and forgive.

I had to forgive myself first and then everyone else who had hurt me or judged me or threatened me in any way. And there were many.

And I had to re-evaluate every situation that I had seen as an obstacle or as a danger.

It was my own truth that I was resisting out of fear that I may be seen.

I was both inside that wall and that wall also existed inside of me. And I wanted out.

Even though I had released all of my anger, I still had not fully opened my heart. Now I knew that opening my heart was the key.

This moment of understanding allowed me to offer myself a taste of compassion. Compassion for that terrified child within my heart and compassion for the traumatized adult-self who actually thought that the wall had been a means of protection.

The warmth of compassion melted the wall around me as well as the one within my heart.

I was free and the world felt differently. I accepted myself and my life and all that is, as it is.

I understood something although I do not have the means or precision of defining it.

Nothing is what it seems to be.

Compassion yields understanding and understanding reveals the truth.

Beyond Anger

I stopped the car briefly at the bottom of my fairly steep rural driveway simply to observe a man donning logging gear and wielding a chainsaw. He was trimming brush just across the gravel country road. Nothing out of the ordinary here in southern Oregon. So, I carried on with my business and went on my merry way.

When I returned home, about an hour later, I decided to drive past my own driveway to get a closer look at this logger’s endeavors. He waved at me, trying to get my attention, but admittedly I was preoccupied and I did not stop to exchange words. I innocently drove past the man and the piles of debris that he would soon ignite.

A few hundred yards down the road I turned around to return to my humble home on the hill.

As I passed by the man again, he now stepped out and into the road screaming blasphemies at me and swinging his saw. “You f___ing bitch” he yelled, at the top of his lungs, and he continued his horrific rant with words I dare not to consider.

I was stunned and mortified. And foolishly, without much thought, I turned my car around again to approach this less than gentle man and inquire what it was that I had done to elicit such a reaction.

I stopped and I asked him what it was that I had done to arouse such a rage and such a vicious assault.

He went “ballistic.” He could not deal with my confrontation.

His anger turned to rage. How had I dared not to acknowledge him and his effort to get my momentary attention. He certainly had my focus now.

I heart-fully apologized and suggested that he not take my aloofness personally and I expressed that he had no idea of what I was experiencing or what was going on in my life.

My words only fueled his fire and toxic language continued to pour forth from his mouth. Blood flushed his face and fury filled his energy. His body was tensing; his arms were flailing.

Fear alerted me that his chainsaw could become a weapon in an instant and, with much trepidation, I quickly escaped the encounter and returned to my peaceful home.

But, I was not at peace.

I sat with my feelings and I asked myself and G*d what I had done to attract such a toxic situation into my life. I listened intently and amazingly enough, the answer came quickly.

I was told that I had needed to observe what anger really looked like, and to experience what anger really felt like, from the outside, because I had only known anger from the inside. I had only known the anger that I had inflicted upon myself.

I rarely displayed my anger outwardly as it was always brutally self-directed and I was almost immune to the familiarity of the energy.

Having experienced multiple emotional traumas in my life, I had blamed everything on myself and I had punished myself accordingly with my anger.

Until that moment of conscious awakening.

I had seen what anger looked like. I had faced it on the road. And now I had to face it within.

It was too dark and too heavy to carry any longer. And I was done.

Almost instantly my personal cloak of rage unravelled. It was gone.

And, I was filled with enormous gratitude for the messenger and the gift.

But that wasn’t all.

I then realized that all this man had really wanted was to be seen and honored for the work that he was doing. And I did not yield to his desperation.

After my epiphany, I realized that all I have ever wanted is to be acknowledged for the truth of my soul and the gifts that I offer in this world. How could I have withheld such from him?

I now saw me in him, and I saw him in me, and via this awakening I became whole.

I see myself more clearly now and I am shining my light even more brightly.

My complete immersion into anger allowed me complete conscious awareness for which I am grateful.

Nothing is what it appears to be.



Today, I stand at the edge of a precipice in time.

Where have I been? Who have I been? And who am I becoming?

Sometimes I realize that my perception of life is indeed just an illusion and perhaps my interpretation is completely erroneous.
I ponder the mystery of this incarnation.
Is it really my soul’s plan or is it a vow of suffering to match that of my family of origin, or simply a familiar feeling of radical discomfort?

As I sit in-service to clients, I witness miracles and yet I remain perplexed by the trance of my own painful path and the depth of the ancestral grief that I am here to heal. That is where I have been immersed and where the jewel of my heart lies.
I surrender to my suffering so that my predecessors may rest in peace and so that future generations may flourish.
I am just the vehicle navigating rough terrain wishing that I could speak of the darkness as eloquently as Mary Oliver or Rainer Maria Rilke both of whose words allow our suffering to sing; words that provide a soft tender embrace.

Now is the time to wake-up and commit to honoring myself and my heart.
Deeply inspired by Santiago, the protagonist of Paulo Coelho’s ‘The Alchemist,’ I am reminded to listen to my heart, the one that was silenced long ago.
Somewhere I was taken off-course.

Having had my financial assets stolen, I am starting over.
What I have left to invest in myself is my energy, my courage, my willingness and my determination. And, I trust that my heart and my light will guide me.

My prayer is to provide solace to others who carry soul-suffering at the depths that I have experienced. To provide sanctuary space and retreat for each individual to heal their heart and soul allowing them to witness their own love and light – a place to be seen and heard when it feels like no one is listening and that no one cares – a place to be empowered by what may feel like senseless despair and defeat.

My goal to create the Soul Sojourn Sanctuary although I have no clue as to how to begin or how to manifest the means to design and build such an endeavor. It is a dream unfolding – a dream in-service – to serve those that are called to heal their pain, their loss, their suffering, their grief, their anguish. To attend to their hearts. To listen and hear the truth of G*d as spoken through them.

My calling is to simply show-up so that “we” as the Universal “one” can heal together and unlock the potential for true emotional freedom. Together we can shed tears of sadness and tears of joy as we shift our energetic paradigm and the energies of the planet.

I offer great gratitude to Ted Wiard, founder of Golden Willow Retreat, who, unbeknownst to him, has inspired me beyond my imagination.

These words have poured forth from me this morning as the sun rises offering hope and the promise of a prayer. And, tonight, may the moon bless me with her radiance and may the reflection of the stars remind us all that we are a part of an infinite realm of possibility.




I wanted to share with you the “tweet” that the great Harvey Fierstein wrote while grieving the passing of his friend, Robin Williams.
He has said it perfectly.
“Please people do not fuck with depression. It’s merciless. All it wants is to get you in a room alone and kill you. Take care of yourself.”
Pick up the phone and call someone. Ask for support. Don’t let your pride or your pain force you into silence or self-isolation.Call me. I will offer you mercy. And healing. I am here for you. Really. Right here. Right now. Contact me, right here on this website.

And, please read on … as per the brilliant Elizabeth Gilbert:

“I once read an article about the Golden Gate Bridge, and how it has become a suicide magnet over the decades — to the point that public health officials must struggle with how to make the bridge somehow less appealing to the despairing and the lost. The story quoted the one man who ever survived a jump off the bridge. He said that he had wanted to die because his life was so hopeless, and he’d lost everything — his spouse, his job, his dignity, his friends, his meaning. But then, he said, in the moment that he jumped, he was overcome with this one remarkable, true realization: ‘Everything in my life can be changed and reversed … except what I have just done.’

Luckily, impossibly, he survived. But far too many others do not — and far too many others do make that final, irreversible decision.

As someone who has been through depression and came out on the other side (with help from: therapy, friends, medication, meditation, prayer) I beg you to not walk alone through your darkest shadows.”



“Immerse yourself in the knowingness that if you have no meaning attached to yourself, you are free!”
This wisdom was a result of a client session today; I will not take credit but I will immerse myself in the knowing … and in the freedom …
Please join me.


“Now is where I am.”
Now is the only place to be. In this uniquely divine moment.
Celebrate the possibilities.
And choose what you desire for the next moment of now.


Raw vulnerability.
Naked, flailing, struggling, floundering as I attempt to claim my personal power
and shine.
Seeking support, comfort, compassion, empathy, understanding, peace, freedom,
love and light.
Until I realize that I am all that.
Offering a deep breath of gratitude as I honor my soul’s journey and declare
my truth.