What Matters? And Why?

If we are here to remember the truth of our being, as so many gurus, teachers and mentors (including myself) say, then why are we always doing rather than being.
Why are we so busy?
Maybe we, as a species, really do not want to remember. Maybe the memories are too painful or difficult to bear. It has been that way for me at times. Raw discomfort. Disabling pain.
But eventually I come home to the depths of my heart. And there I find solace.

When I access my core essence the last thing I want to do is see what is on my ‘to-do’ list. I simply want to nurture myself or be nurtured by life, the thing(s) that so many of us have forgotten, or never knew.

Who taught us to love ourselves? Who taught us to love and be loved? Who taught us what they did not know themselves? Who taught us what we can only teach ourselves?
That is ultimately what matters. If you ask me.

Ego or Love?

“Love is the energy of spirit, the energy of the soul. The words LOVE, SPIRIT, SOUL and THE DIVINE are interchangeable. Functioning from our ego is not operating out of love for ourselves or others; ego attempts to camouflage our human fears and concerns, and thereby entrenches them. At our nucleus, however, we are nothing less than love, the highest level of spirit.” ~ Dr. Linda Backman

Awareness Vs. Judgment

Recently I met a man who, from my awareness, is living a lie.
He is living with a woman he doesn’t love, or even care about, simply because
the house is paid for and “you know … ”
I felt sad and confused and then I asked myself what lies am I living?
Where am I in denial?
How am I keeping myself small instead of expanding into my divine greatness?
Suddenly, I remembered the truth of who I really am. And I gracefully embraced myself in the knowing.

True Vulnerability

Whoever thought that they would be a vulnerable target while holiday shopping on a Tuesday afternoon?
A few innocent shoppers were shot today at a Portland, OR shopping mall.
No explanation would satisfy me even if those individuals were shopping frivolously.
In my heart, the only true wisdom is to live fully in the present moment.
You may not have another one.
Enjoy your life now. Be love and share your love.
And please help yourself to some of mine.
I offer a deep breath of gratitude for this moment and for the ability to share it
with you.
Thank you.

The Freedom of Vulnerability

If you allow yourself to be vulnerable you are creating freedom for yourself.
How cool is that? Really??
Being vulnerable is being authentic.
Being vulnerable requires being awake.
Conscious awareness keeps you safe as you have full access to your wisdom
at all times.
When you are free and loving your life people will honor you and your space
in admiration.
Yes, awake, vulnerable and free.
It is possible.

Victim Vs. Vulnerable

Maybe the only difference between allowing yourself to be vulnerable and becoming a victim is resistance.
When you are in resistance you are guarded. You are afraid of the tenderness of your vulnerability.
As we all know “what you resist persists” and such you become a victim of what you are resisting rather than allowing yourself to be immersed in the emotions that you resist. Then you become a victim to your pain and suffering rather than allowing it to move through you gracefully.
Which do you choose – to be powerfully vulnerable or to be a victim?
Breathe deeply into the question.

A Very Painful Spot

“Sometimes one touches on a very painful spot where one is almost too shy to look into it, but somehow one still has to go through it. And by going into it, one finally achieves a real command of oneself. One gains a thorough knowledge of oneself for the first time.” ~ Chogyam Trungpa

Are you seeking support in accessing the knowledge of yourself?
If so, please call on me to be your gentle and compassionate guide.
It may not be as painful as you anticipate and the freedom to be achieved is well worth the journey.

Choosing Love

Choosing LOVE is the choice to expand from a place of contraction.
Expansion is the choice to live from infinite possibility.
Breathe deeply into expansion with the awareness that you can create
a magnificent life.
Choose love in each moment. And now, again.

Fear or Love?

What if you are afraid of love?
Or what if you really do not know what love is or feels like?
So many people are stuck in fear because they really do not comprehend the concept of love – they have never danced the dance or experienced the journey.
Or they have been devastatingly deceived by what masked itself as love.

To learn to love begins with acknowledging yourself as a precious spark of divine light. Start there. Start now.

And, please know that I am here to support you in remembering and accessing that light and to remind you that you are safe when you allow yourself to shine.

Thanksgiving Blessings

I don’t want you just to sit down at the table.
I don’t want you just to eat, and be content.
I want you to walk out into the fields
Where the water is shining, and the rice has risen.
I want you to stand there, far from the white tablecloth.
I want you to fill your hands with the mud, like a blessing.
~ Mary Oliver