Life in Progress

“This is a work in progress, a process of uncovering our natural openness, uncovering our natural intelligence and warmth. I have discovered, just as my teachers always told me, that we already have what we need. The wisdom, the strength, the confidence, the awakened heart and mind are always accessible, here, now, always. We are just uncovering them. We are rediscovering them. We’re not inventing them or importing them from somewhere else. They’re here. That’s why when we feel caught in darkness, suddenly the clouds can part. Out of nowhere we cheer up or relax or experience the vastness of our minds. No one else gives this to you. People will support you and help you with teachings and practices, as they have supported and helped me, but you yourself experience your unlimited potential.”
~ Pema Chodron

Who Am I Today?

“Who am I and why am I here?”
So much time is spent contemplating this basic eternal and internal inquiry.
And, most often, the questions remain unanswered.
So, why not simply ask yourself “Who am I today?”
And then, in an instant, decide who you want to be … just for today or even
just for the moment.
Choose to be the you that you have always wanted to be. Why not?
It’s time to move beyond the illusion that you are who you think you are anyway.
It is time to be all that you can be. Just for fun!

Vibrant Peace

Eckhart Tolle says it this way: “When you know who you truly are, there is an abiding sense of peace. You could call it joy because that’s what joy is – vibrantly alive peace. It is the joy of knowing yourself as the very life essence before life takes on form.
That is the joy of being who you truly are.”
And, sometimes it takes what seems like a lifetime of falling apart to achieve this sense of peace. I say that it is well worth the journey.
In fact, it is essential, so jump on board … now!


Addressing my own emotional chaos today I realized that all of life can be reduced to these simple concepts:

Be consciously present and awake in each moment.

Choose wisely and from your heart.

Surrender your resistance and allow yourself to be vulnerable for your soul to thrive.

Be in a constant state of gratitude and grace.

Know that there is nothing to figure out or understand.

Be kind to yourself and everyone.

No exceptions.


Bird of Pray

I spoke to the hawk today – the hawk in the glorious old oak tree.
I asked the bird to stay for awhile and visit with me, to share in conversation.
Regretfully the bird took flight … only to land in another oak tree much further away in the field.
I felt sad that the bird chose to fly away, until I heard this message to me.
“You too can take flight and I am waiting for you over here. Spread your wings and soar!”
I invite everyone to join me as you too can soar, even if you think you forgot how.


By reaching deep within yourself you will discover the song of your heart and the guiding light of your soul.
You are here to remember the truth of who you really are, beneath your pain and suffering and beyond the illusion of your ego.
From that space, anything becomes possible. Really.
Even if you don’t believe it, simply trust and witness the unfolding.

Soul Self

The soul’s journey is really a solo journey. That does not mean that we have
to wander through life singularly. It simply means that to truly connect with
ohers we must know ourselves first and then connect through our heart which,
in my mind, allows access to our soul. That is true divine connection. Soul self
to soul self.

Attend to your heart and soul. That is the primary reason for your being-ness.
The evolution of your unique soul self as carried in your unique physical form.
Then you are able to share your attentiveness. Nurture your soul self and fully
evolve into the web of one-ness.

Conscious Choice

In each and every moment we (each one of us) have the gracious opportunity to choose. And in the next moment we can choose again. We can choose what to do, where to go and how to feel. Really.
However, for me, the missing link was realizing that my choices need to be made from an awakened state of consciousness.
Otherwise, we keep making the same choices over and over again without even realizing that we are choosing. When we are stuck in our comfort zone (no matter how UNcomfortable it is) we tend to choose from that limited perspective.
When we allow ourselves to expand and deepen our perspective miracles become possible and we can manifest our dreams.
So, as we welcome a new year, I invite you to dream. I invite you to dream BIG and to ask for what will serve you most as we move forward into the accelerated energetic vibrations that are here for us. You will be served by the Universe as you share your brilliance.
Please join me in choosing consciously in each and every moment.

Stop, Sit Down and Breathe

“Stop, sit down and breathe.”
That is my mantra; it is what I teach as the first step to anywhere.
And yet, I often notice my own shallow breathing, as if I was holding my breath.
Tightly grasping, as if the breath was my last.
Deep old patterns of fear.
When in fact I claim to be fearless.
Should this breath be my last, I will leap to the other side of the illusionary veil
and celebrate.

Ascension & Expansion

There’s lots of talk about ascension as 12.21.2012 approaches.

Ascension is often considered mystical, mysterious or even magical.
For myself, ascension is accessing my personal divinity – the divinity that is inherent in all individuals.
Ascension is the cultivation of the awareness of this divinity and raising our vibration to match it.
And it is from this ascension into oneness that I am fully capable to expand into the love and light that I am.
I find enormous grace, freedom and peace in ascension and expansion.
May we all be blessed by the energies that are here to serve us at this time.